ASE20 features the top 20 companies on the Amman Stock Exchange, selected based on market value. The list is reviewed every three months to ensure it includes the strongest companies. As a benchmark for Jordan’s market performance, it highlights the most active and influential stocks. With UFICO, investing becomes easier, saving you time on research and comparisons!
Start with just 100 units at 1 JOD per unit.
Invest in Jordan’s best-performing businesses, reviewed every three months.
Diversified investments help minimize market fluctuations.
Subscribe, redeem, and track your investments with ease.
Take the first step towards financial independence today with ASE20
Click "Start Investing Now" and create your account
Buy ASE20 Units
Track your investments and watch your portfolio grow
During the public subscription period, you can start investing with at least 100 units, and the unit price is one dinar, meaning you can start with 100 dinars.
Although investing is not completely risk-free, the ASE20 provides a unique diversification that helps reduce, but does not eliminate, financial volatility and risk.
You can use your dashboard to monitor and track your investment portfolio in real-time, seamlessly and effortlessly.
ASE20 is offered as a financial product through UFICO, making it easy for clients to invest with advisory support for individuals and companies.
Returns are based on the performance of the ASE20 Index, which is designed to represent the best performing companies in the Amman Stock Exchange.
Yes, you can manage and adjust your investments through the dashboard based on your financial needs and goals.
All investments are made in Jordanian Dinar (JOD).
Redemption requests are executed weekly every Tuesday.
The request must be submitted by the customer 3 days before the day of execution of the requests.
Units are not divisible, and a minimum of 100 units must be kept.
No, the ASE20 Fund is open-ended, meaning it has no fixed term and you can withdraw and deposit your investment according to the terms and conditions.
Your investment today is their security tomorrow! With ASE20, build a stronger financial future for your family in the easiest and smartest way.